生之源(医用生物凝胶敷料I型) 中国药科大学专家研究认为,生之源医用生物凝胶敷料有效成分能够在杀灭病菌的同时促进有益菌生长,有效杀灭、抑制各种妇科常见的细菌繁殖体、真菌、病毒等以及阴道毛滴虫、沙眼衣原体等多种致病菌,经权威检测杀菌性能优良,因此对预防和治疗多种妇科炎症有明显的作用。生之源具有良好的吸附性,药物有效成分进入阴道后可吸附于阴道壁形成保护膜,对细菌、白色念珠菌、病毒、滴虫等多种致病微生物均有明显的抑制和杀灭效果,对细菌、念珠菌引起的阴道病及其重复性感染、混合性感染疗效尤其显著,并有促进宫颈糜烂的愈合和止血止痛的作用。给药器推注给药,使用方便安全。
说明书: 【产品名称】医用生物凝胶敷料I型 【产品性能结构组成】该产品由抗菌凝胶和推注器组成。抗菌凝胶是由壳聚糖、卡波姆、甘油、三乙醇胺、苯甲醇、芳香剂、乙二胺四乙酸二纳(EDTA-2Na)、纯净水按照一定比例配制而成。 【适用范围】适用于细菌性阴道炎、滴虫性阴道炎、霉菌性阴道炎、混合性阴道炎、宫颈炎和宫颈糜烂的治疗。 【使用方法】本品为妇道炎症用生物敷料,请按下述方法使用或遵医嘱。 请使用本品前先清洗外阴,将给凝胶器前端的前盖取下,插入给药器后端助推杆;将给药器缓缓插入阴道深处或有小便感时,推动推杆,将凝胶推入阴道内,抽出给凝胶器,弃之。每次1支,应至少连续使用7天。 【规格型号】I型:2g/支 【注意事项】 1、妇女阴道使用,严禁口服; 2、本品为一次性使用产品,使用后销毁或丢弃,如果外包装破损,请勿使用; 3、使用过程中有少量胶状物流出属正常现象,可配合妇用护垫使用; 4、请勿放置于儿童可接触的地方。 【禁忌症】 1、过敏体质患者禁用;2、女性患者经期禁用; 3、处女、孕妇禁用; 4、女性合并盆腔炎患者慎用。 【医疗器械注册证编号】皖械注准20172640150 【医疗器械生产许可证编号】皖食药监械生产许20180040号
【生产企业】安徽徽科生物工程技术有限公司 【电话】0558-8215588 全国统一咨询电话:4001170009 
Specification of Medical Antibacterial Gel (I) Product name: medical antibacterial gelⅠ Property & composition: The product consists of antibacterial gel and pusher. The gel is made up of proportional chitosan, carbomer, glycerin, triethanolamine, phenylcarbinol, aromatic, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodium(EDTA-2Na) and pure water. Scope of application: treatment of bacterial vaginitis, trichomonas vaginitis, colpomycosis, mixed vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion. Usage & dosage: This is gynecologic inflammation biological dressing.The following procedures and doctor's advice shall be dbided by.Before use ,the vulva shall be cleaned.With the pusher's front cover removed and the pushing rod inserted from the end,insert the pusher deep into vagina or till produce a sense of urination ,push the rod to leave the gel into vagina. Take out and discard the pusher. One gel for each time and it shall last for at least seven consecutive days. Model: I 2g/piece Precautions 1. For vaginal use only. Oral intake is prohibited. 2. The one-off product shall be destroyed or discarded after use. Damaged outer package prohibits use. 3. Small amount of colloidal material flow is normal during the use. A sanitary pad is recommended. 4. The product shall be kept out of the reach of children. Contraindications 1. Patient with allergic constitution. 2. During menstrual period. 3. Virgin and pregnant women. 4. Patient with pelvic inflammation. Storage: in shade, closed, cool and dry place. Expiry date: 2 years Medical instrument product standard serial number:YZB/Anhui 20172640150 Medical instrument registration certificate number:Certification No.0040issued by Anhui Food and Drug Administration in the year of 2018 Medical instrument production permit number: AFDSILN 2018 Manufacturer: Anhui Huike Bio-Engineering Technology Co., Ltd Registered address: A Area, Economic Development Zone, Taihe County , Anhui Province,China Tel: 0558-8215588 Fax: 0558-8696288 National hotline: 4008887208