
安徽徽科生物工程技术有限公司,坐落于国内知名的现代医药产业基地 -- 安徽太和医药经济开发区,占地面积 28000 平方米,建有标准化研发中心、 GMP 标准化生产车间。2009 年 9 月公司与中国药科大学签订战略合作协议,专注于新型医疗器械的研究生产。公司主要经营范围涵盖 :物理治疗及康复设备、医用卫生材料及敷料、医用高分子材料、纳米功能材料等产品的研究开发、生产销售。 (更多……)

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发布时间: 2019-05-12 18:08:39   编辑:   浏览次数:12973次











【禁 症】1、鼻腔大面积创伤者禁用;2、严重氯化钠代谢障碍和过敏者禁用。











【电  话】0558-8215588




Specification of Medical Physiologic Seawater Flusher
Product name: medical physiologic seawater flusher
The main property & composition: consisted by physiologic seawater and spray bottle.
Scope of application: Relieve the discomfort symptoms such as mycteroxerosis, nasal obstruction, rhinocnesmus, running nose, epistaxis and so on, which are caused by acute, chronic, anapylactic rhinitis and post-operation of nasal cavity.
Usage & dosage: This product is a biological dressing for ear-nose-throat department. The following procedures or doctor's advice shall be abided by.1.Open the dust cover and let head lean slightly back. Put the nozzle into the nostril,then press the hand pump gently. 2.Spray on each side of the nostril 4-8 time and keep it 2-6 times a day. Erase the nose secreta and redundant physiologic seawater with the tissue. 3.Clean the nozzle and put on the dust cover.
Model: 25g/bottle
1. Patient with large area of wound in the nasal cavity is prohibited.
2. Patient with severe sodium chloride dysbolism and allergy is prohibited.
1. Spray on the small wound surface or wound dierctly.
2. The children should use it with the adult's help (When the children use it, the nozzle does not need to be put in the nostril).Follow the doctor's advice during the use.
3. This product does not contain antiseptic substance, antibiotics and hormone.It should be used as soon as possible after unsealing.
4. Pay attention to personal sanitary , and don't cross the use.
Storage: in shade, closed, cool and dry place.     Expiry date: 2 years
Medical instrument product standard serial number:YZB/Anhui 0034-2014
Medical instrument registration certificate number:Certification No.2640152
issued by Anhui Food and Drug Administration in the year of 2017
Medical instrument production permit number: AFDSILN 20180040
Manufacturer: Anhui Huike Bio-Engineering Technology Co., Ltd
Registered address: A Area, Economic Development Zone, Taihe County , Anhui Province,China
Tel: 0558-8215588
Fax: 0558-8696288
National hotline: 4008887208

· 上一篇: 润坦宁医用生物凝胶敷料Ⅱ型(痔疮用凝胶)
· 下一篇: 润坦宁医用生物凝胶敷料Ⅱ型(痔疮用凝胶)
版权所有 安徽徽科生物工程技术有限公司 © 2009 - 2022 AHHUIKE Inc. 皖ICP备09010236号-1
公司生产地址:安徽省太和县经济开发区A区 电话:0558—8215588 传真:0558-8696288